Oceanfront Myrtle Beach Vacation Rentals by Oceanfront Vacation Rentals Inc. ×

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South Grand Strand Shopping

South Grand Strand Shopping is all about fun, and the region features cool coastal shops, boutiques, shopping malls and plazas, and much more.

The Market Common

4017 Deville Street. The latest in urban planning concepts are on parade in this mixed-use upscale neighborhood with ballparks, combined living/working quarters, office units and vacation condos. Part of the mix is about two dozen shops and a dozen restaurants, all part of a sustainable plan to limit or eliminate the use of the automobile.

Inlet Square Mall

Highway 17 Business and Highway 17 Bypass (10125 Highway 17 Business) in Murrells Inlet, has Books-A-Million, Friedman Jewelers, Hibbet Sports, JC Penney, Kmart, CATA, Belk, and others. Regal Cinemas and several restaurants provide entertainment and dining, and the Kids Zone near the food court plays free children’s movies. The shopping center hosts events such as the Fall Bike Rally, the South Strand Business Expo, and others.

The Hammock Shops

U.S. 17, Pawleys Island, is a quaint little village that originated in 1938. Its collection of 20 or so little shops and restaurants is centered around a theme: the original Pawleys Island Rope Hammock.

The Original Hammock Shop

10880 Ocean Highway, includes the Hammock Weavers Pavilion where visitors can watch the weaving of a hammock and/or purchase a handwoven original.
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